Who we are
Our website address is: https://soccer-training-guide.com/
When you leave a comment, we collect your info like what you wrote, your IP address, and what browser you’re using to stop spam. Your email might get turned into a code (hash) to see if you have a Gravatar. Gravatar’s privacy policy is here: https://automattic.com/privacy/. If your comment gets approved, your profile picture shows up next to it.
When you’re posting photos online, be careful about sharing ones with location data (EXIF GPS) embedded in them. People who check out your pics could grab that info. So, it’s best to avoid uploading pics with any location data to keep your privacy intact.
When you leave a comment on our site, you can choose to save your name, email address, and website using cookies. This makes it easier for you so you don’t have to type in your details every time you comment. These cookies stay for a year.
When you visit our login page, we’ll put a temporary cookie on your browser to check if it accepts cookies. This cookie doesn’t contain any personal info and disappears when you close your browser.
Once you log in, we’ll set up a few cookies to save your login details and screen preferences. Login cookies last for two days, while screen options cookies stick around for a year. If you click “Remember Me,” your login stays active for two weeks. Logging out removes the login cookies.
Editing or publishing an article adds another cookie to your browser. It doesn’t include personal data and only shows the post ID of the article you edited. This cookie lasts for 1 day.
Embedded content from other sources
Content on our site may feature embedded elements like videos, images, or articles. These elements function similarly to when you visit their original sources.
These external sources might gather information, employ cookies, add third-party tracking, and observe your engagement with the embedded content. This includes monitoring your actions if you’re logged into their platform.
Who we share your data with
When you ask for a password reset, your IP address gets included in the email.
How long we retain your data
When you leave a comment, we keep it along with its details forever. This helps us quickly recognize and approve any subsequent comments without delay.
For those who sign up on our site, we save the info they share in their user profile. Users have full control to view, modify, or delete their personal details anytime, except for their username. Our website admins also have access to and can modify this data.
What rights you have over your data
If you’re a member here or have commented before, you can ask for a file with all your personal data we have, including what you shared. You can also ask us to delete any personal data we have. But, we can’t delete data we’re required to keep for admin, legal, or security reasons.
Where your data is sent
We use an automated spam detection service to review visitor comments.