Getting The Edge: The Best Supplementation and Recovery Tools for Soccer Players
Throughout the history of sport, athletes have searched for ways that they can gain an edge against their opponents. Sports science grew in prominence amongst
Throughout the history of sport, athletes have searched for ways that they can gain an edge against their opponents. Sports science grew in prominence amongst
Aerobic training will not only influence your endurance performance but also the ability to perform at maximum levels. This type of soccer training will show its value especially at
Fitness is an important part of your overall football game. In this article I will present some exercises that you can use to prepare yourself for
Soccer is a sport that shares much in common with long distance (marathon) compared to other sports (ex: hockey and squash). In a regular soccer
The beep test is used to estimate your maximum VO2 Max uptake (aka oxygen uptake). This test is great for monitoring your overall running abilities and that
In the game of soccer you will need a pretty strong lower body to kick, jump and to make explosive starts. However, you will also need good
Anaerobic training involves intervals of intense activity and rest which is very specific to playing soccer. This type of training is also great for burning calories and
Weight training means increasing your overall strength rather than building maximum muscle mass. The purpose with your soccer training is to have muscles that are strong, fast
The warm up phase is the best way of preparing your body for physical activity. When playing soccer you have to tell your body in some way to
Fitness training for soccer can be divided into 8 parts. Each of these parts is crucial for your overall fitness training. Leaving out any of these will
Preparing a soccer field for a match requires
Major League Soccer (MLS) has seen an increase
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